There are many components to the Atlanta BeltLine, and as such, there are many questions. We answer some of the most common questions here. Please contact us if your inquiry is not addressed here.
I am a student interested in the BeltLine. Where can I find research information about the project?
Are you currently enrolled in school and interested in studying the Atlanta BeltLine during the course of your academics? Would you like to request use of Atlanta BeltLine imagery to support your studies? Examples could include a thesis, dissertation, capstone project, film project, student newspapers or reporting, articles, research projects, classwork assignments, and more.
How can I research the Atlanta BeltLine Project?
Whether you want to research the Atlanta BeltLine history and progress, get involved as a developer, or are interested in learning about the framework of the project; explore About our Project .
If you are a student and are looking for information for a project, please send us a request.
How can we provide input and ask Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. questions about the Special Services District and trail construction?
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. hosts regular community meetings to provide project updates and receive public input. We welcome your questions and feedback and offer many opportunities to get involved to support the Atlanta BeltLine.
How will you ensure minority-owned business participation?
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. will allocate up to $150 million in BeltLine trail construction funding to firms owned by African Americans and other minority-owned businesses. To accomplish this, we are utilizing the following strategies:
- Work with minority-focused business groups in attempts to recruit minority business participation in ABI bids and contracts
- Emphasize the importance of soliciting certified minority businesses for subcontracting opportunities to prime contractors at pre-bid conferences and in the bid documents
- Advertise bid opportunities in minority-focused networks and media
- Break down or combine elements of work into economically feasible units to facilitate minority participation
- Encourage joint ventures and partnership arrangements with minority businesses in order to increase opportunities for minority business participation on projects when possible
- Closely track and provide regular reports on Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation
How will the Special Service District affect commercial and multi-family property owners in the Atlanta BeltLine Planning Area?
Property owners will see an increase of approximately 2 mills – or two-tenths of one cent – per every $1 of assessed property value.
For example, a commercial or multi-family property owner with a parcel of land appraised for $1 million pays taxes on an assessed value equal to 40% of the full value. This parcel would be assessed taxes based on a value of $400,000. Two-tenths of a cent per dollar of assessed value on this parcel is $800. So, for a million-dollar property, the increase would be just $800 per year.
At 2 mills, about half of the taxable SSD parcels would be assessed less than $250 annually. An estimated 82% of SSD parcels contained in the proposed SSD would be assessed less than $1,000 annually.
The increased millage rate went into effect on Fulton County tax bills in fall 2021.
Are owners of single-family houses, condos, or townhomes part of the SSD?
No. Owner-occupied residences, including single family homes, condos, and townhouses, are not part of the SSD.
What area will the Special Service District encompass and how will the funds work?
The Special Service District (SSD) includes commercial and multi-family properties in the Atlanta BeltLine Planning Area. These property owners will invest in the completion of the 22-mile BeltLine trail corridor through a slight increase in the millage rate.
Revenue from the SSD finances bonds that will generate an estimated $100 million that will be used alongside funding from the BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD), philanthropic support, and other funding sources to complete the BeltLine trail corridor. Once the bonds are paid off, the district will sunset.
The revenue from the SSD will free up TAD funds so an additional $45 million can be used towards housing affordability and $12 million can be provided in small business support.
What is a Special Service District (SSD) and how is it created?
A Special Service District is a targeted tax district where property owners pay slightly more in property taxes to fund improvements from which they will benefit – in this case, funding to complete the Atlanta BeltLine trail.
On March 15, 2021, Atlanta City Council voted to adopt the three ordinances creating the SSD. The ordinances will create the district, establish the millage rate increase, and allow for bonding.
Where will the funds to finish the BeltLine trail corridor come from?
As with every part of the BeltLine that has been finished to date, funding comes from multiple public and private sources. The plan for completing the BeltLine trail includes $100 million each from the BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD), philanthropic contributions, and a Special Service District (SSD). These three primary funding sources, providing a total of $300 million, will be leveraged to secure the remaining $50 million from additional federal, state, and local sources.
Why are additional funds needed beyond the Atlanta BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD)?
Early legal disputes delayed the ability to issue a fully backed bond to finance BeltLine implementation until the end of 2016 – more than a decade after the Atlanta BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD) was first created. The lack of early funding to construct the BeltLine, combined with the Great Recession, led to a slower pace of private development around the full BeltLine than initially anticipated. As a result, the TAD is expected to generate $1 billion less than originally projected before it closes in 2030.
What is the cost to complete the 22-mile Atlanta BeltLine trail corridor?
The estimated cost to complete the remaining land acquisition, design, utility relocation, and construction for the full 22-mile trail corridor – including ramps and stairs for access, lighting and cameras for safety, and linear greenspace for public enjoyment – is approximately $350 million.
The trail corridor is one component of the full $4.8 billion BeltLine Redevelopment Plan, which also includes parks, transit, affordable housing, public art, environmental clean-up, and streetscape improvements.
How does completing the Atlanta BeltLine trail aid economic development for surrounding neighborhoods?
The Atlanta BeltLine is a proven economic engine. By completing the BeltLine trail, thousands more residents will be better connected to existing job centers through better transportation options. And the Atlanta BeltLine will ignite the development of new job centers, restaurants, retail, and housing.
The completion will support a projected 50,000 jobs around the 22-mile trail loop. That includes middle-wage jobs and careers attainable to residents without advanced degrees. We’ve committed to partnerships providing job training and helping workers find nearby job openings.
As the BeltLine is completed, nearby businesses will benefit from new customers, including residents, workers, and visitors to BeltLine neighborhoods. We’re dedicated to supporting small businesses with façade improvements and other tools to draw in more business activity for legacy businesses.
Further, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. will allocate up to $150 million in trail construction funding to firms owned by African Americans and other minority-owned businesses.
How will completion of the BeltLine trail corridor enhance affordable housing around the Atlanta BeltLine?
Expanding affordable housing remains a top priority for the Atlanta BeltLine. Atlanta’s long and complicated history of economic disparities cannot be repaired overnight. By creating and preserving more affordable homes while also generating more jobs along the corridor to help residents stay in place, the BeltLine can serve as a catalyst to help close the income inequality gap and ensure greater equity for all.
Completing the BeltLine trail corridor will stimulate more housing production. Because the City of Atlanta instituted inclusionary zoning around the BeltLine in 2018, developers must build affordable units in all new multi-family rental developments.
As of June 2022, 3,100 units of affordable housing have been created or preserved in the Atlanta BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD), putting ABI at 55% of its overall goal of 5,600 units by the end of 2030. The most recent housing numbers can be viewed at Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) is supporting developers who create affordable housing with the BeltLine Affordable Housing Trust Fund and strategically acquiring land near the BeltLine to ensure deeper and longer-term affordability.
In order to provide homeowners with tools to fight displacement, ABI and the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership (ABP) are operating a Legacy Resident Retention Program to assist nearby legacy homeowners with paying property tax increases through 2030. The philanthropically funded program is expected to provide $12.5 million in assistance over 10 years. ABP also works with multiple partners to offer Home Empowerment Workshops that connect homeowners and renters with resources to help them stay in their homes.
Why do we need to act now to finish the BeltLine trail corridor?
Because it will deliver economic benefits where Atlanta needs them most.
Atlanta is facing an economic and racial inequity crisis amplified by COVID-19. We need jobs, affordable housing, and new opportunities to help restore Atlanta’s economic and community well-being.
The Atlanta BeltLine can play a significant role in our city’s growth and economic recovery. But to do so in an equitable and inclusive manner, it must be completed. That way, the BeltLine will benefit all the communities it connects.
The completed Atlanta BeltLine trail corridor is expected to deliver a total economic impact of $10 billion and nearly 50,000 permanent jobs. Additional benefits include access to health and recreation opportunities, new homes nearby, closer proximity to health care providers, and expanded broadband connectivity.
But without significant additional funding, the Atlanta BeltLine trail will not be complete before 2030.
Early legal disputes followed by an economic recession mean the BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD), the Atlanta BeltLine’s primary source of funding, is expected to generate $1 billion less than originally projected before it closes in 2030.
To ensure all the components of the Atlanta BeltLine are delivered equitably and improve quality of life for Atlanta’s residents, additional funding now is critical.
Who is my point of contact in Procurement Services?
If you have any questions, please email:
What goods and services does ABI utilize?
Once you register as a vendor, you will see the commodity codes that fit the type of industry that ABI typically utilize.
How do I become a registered vendor?
To become a registered vendor, visit "Doing Business" for step-by-step instructions.
How will I know when my vendor registration is complete?
Complete all required fields in the Vendor Registry. Attach the appropriate documentation and designate your firms’ appropriate NIGP code. Upon receipt, you should receive a confirmation email notifying you that you are now a registered ABI vendor.
How do I update my contact information?
To update your information, you must click the vendor registration portal and follow the instructions for updating vendor information. Once the information has been updated, you will receive a confirmation email verifying the change has been made in the system.
Why is it important to provide commodity codes on my vendor registration form?
Commodity codes allow you to tell us what types of good or/and service your firm provides. If you have supplied a current e-mail address and indicated you wish to receive e-mail notification, then it is easier for our vendor registration system to notify you when we release an opportunity based on the commodity code indicated. If you do not see a commodity code related to the good or service your firm provides, it is likely that it is a good or service that ABI does not procure.
Does a vendor need to be pre-qualified to bid?
The solicitation will state whether or not pre-qualification is required.
Can bids or proposals be faxed?
Bids and/or Proposals must be returned to ABI in accordance with the instructions contained within the solicitation document.
What disqualifies a bid/proposal?
Please read the solicitation requirements of the solicitation document which will outline instructions. Failure to follow the instructions outlined in the document may cause a submittal to be non-responsive.
How can I see the results of a solicitation?
After a contract has been executed. Allow at least (90) days for an award to be fully executed and posted.
How can I find solicitations?
Review our solicitations page. If you have registered, you will receive e-mails that notify you immediately when a solicitation is released. Learn how to become a vendor.
Does ABI support Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs)?
ABI is committed to the practice of non-discrimination in the selection of team members and relationships with sub-contractors with a desire to reflect diversity in the participation of companies engaged in the Atlanta BeltLine Project. ABI strongly encourages participation by Female Business Enterprises (“FBE”), Minority Business Enterprises (“MBE”), Small Disadvantaged Businesses (“SDB”), and Small Business Enterprises (“SBE”) in all contracts issued by ABI. These enterprises shall be collectively referred to herein as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“DBEs”). It is anticipated that as a part of a responsive proposal, DBE participation will be included. Projects may have a DBE goal and Local business utilization goal. The goal for certain funded Project has been set at 30%.
However, nothing herein should indicate that a DBE may not apply and be selected independently, as DBEs that meet the qualifications of this RFP are encouraged to submit their qualifications for consideration. In order to participate as a DBE on the contract, said DBE must be certified (as an FBE, MBE, SDB, SBE or DBE) through GDOT, the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council, the U.S. Small Business Administration, or the City of Atlanta. SBEs must be registered with the City of Atlanta and are defined in Section 2-1357 of Division 9 of the City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances, as amended. ABI maintains data on the utilization of DBE entities on all contracts with the utilization of ABI’s Subcontractor/Subconsultant Utilization and DBE Participation Certification.
Each Offeror for ABI shall list any and all Female, Minority, Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business Enterprises, and/or Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (FBE, MBE, SDB, SBE, and/or DBE) that have been or will be utilized on this contract; the amount of revenue received or to be received by the DBE; and the percentage of the overall Scope of Services the specific DBE will provide under the contract. All invoices should be in a format approved by the ABI Project Manager and reflect the sums to be received by DBEs (FBEs, MBEs, SDBs, and SBEs) from the total payment to be received by the Offeror. The invoices should also reflect a total amount of compensation paid to date to the Offeror and each DBE participant along with their corresponding percentage of the total compensation received. Offeror will also be responsible for submitting lien waivers from each of its DBE participants for all payments received, where necessary, and affirm that the Offeror is current with all payment obligations due to the DBE participants at the time of the submission of an invoice for payment. Offeror shall be deemed a Constructive Trustee of the funds paid to it that are to be disbursed to a specific DBE participant. Failure to pay sums due to DBE participants shall be deemed a material breach of the terms of any agreement to which Offeror may become a party as a result of its selection as the Offeror.
Persons or firms interested in obtaining applications for certification should contact one or more of the following organizations:
- City of Atlanta – Office of Contract Compliance (FBE/MBE/SBE Certification): 55 Trinity Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, Tel: (404) 330-6010, Fax: (404) 658-7359.
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SDB certification): acceptable provided certification reflects minority or women-owned status. Requirements are found at
- Georgia Department of Transportation (DBE Certification): One Georgia Center, 600 West Peachtree NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, Tel: (404) 631-1990. DBE Helpdesk: (404) 631-1273.
- MARTA (DBE Certification): 2424 Piedmont Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30324, Tel: (404) 848-5270 Fax: (404) 848-4302, Email:
- Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (MBE Certification): 759 West Peachtree Street, Suite 107, Atlanta, GA 30308, Tel: (404) 589-4929.
A firm selected by the Offeror can only satisfy one of the three categories. The same firm may not, for example, be listed for participation as an MBE organization and an SBE organization even if the level of participation exceeds each category’s goal. All firms must be registered or certified prior to the submittal of the proposal. An Offeror is at risk in that there may be an issue of time to certify or register if it intends to use a firm that is not certified or registered at the time the Proposal is submitted. Applicants must include copies of MBE, FBE, SDB, and/or DBE certifications for the contractors and subcontractors listed in their proposal packages, if any.
Logo and Name Usage Request
Why does ABI trademark its names, logos, and taglines?
Correct and consistent use of trademarks and service marks is essential to maintaining their distinctiveness, viability and value. Trademark laws require that trademark owners protect and control the use of their marks or risk losing rights to their marks.
Use of BELTLINE® or ATLANTA BELTLINE® as the name of a business, product or service or as other indicia of source without authorization from ABI can create the mistaken impression that the individual or business and their product or service is either provided by or is affiliated with or is sponsored by ABI when that is not the case, and it can dilute the trademark rights.
Moreover, when you have multiple entities using the trademark/name, it creates more than just confusion regarding that entity’s association with ABI, it also creates a liability issue for the City of Atlanta, ABI, and taxpayers if an unauthorized user of the trademark causes harm or damage to another.
For example, ABI was recently notified of an individual’s intent to sue ABI based on an injury caused by a non-ABI affiliated entity which used the words Atlanta BeltLine in their name. While ABI has no culpability or involvement in the matter, resources that could be used for the project have to be diverted from the construction, development and maintenance of the trail to defend such actions. This is why we protect the use of the name the way we do.
This is distinguishable from the permissible use of the words “Beltline” or “Atlanta Beltline” in regular text in a sentence or paragraph to refer to ABI or the Atlanta Beltline project, and not as a mark in connection with a third party business or entity or as the name of a third party product or service.
What other public spaces protect their trademarks like the Atlanta BeltLine?
The Atlanta BeltLine is often compared to The High Line in New York City, another public amenity. The High Line has an even more strict trademark and protective policy than ABI (see The High Line’s Terms of Use).
Has ABI allowed for licensing agreements?
Yes. ABI has a license agreement with the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership (ABP). ABP is authorized to enter into sublicense agreements with sponsors and donors under very specific circumstances. Request logo and name usage.
What is a license agreement and how does one apply for one?
A licensing agreement allows for a limited use of the trademarks for a specific purpose and usually at a cost. If an individual or entity asks to be considered for a license agreement (as indicated above), the President and CEO, in consultation with the legal department, will determine if approval is appropriate based on guidelines established in 2010 (currently under review and subject to revision).
A license may or may not be appropriate depending on multiple factors, such as the qualifications of the proposed licensee, quality control, and whether or not ABI or an existing licensee itself provides the same or similar products or services. For example, if a third party uses an ABI mark and is involved in illegal, unscrupulous activity or provides a defective or poor quality product or service, it can harm not only the consumer but also the brand and ABI.
It is also not unusual for third parties that register domain names that consist of other people’s trademarks to do so for no other purpose than to squat on the names in order to later re-sell them, capitalizing on the value of the brand, and having no legitimate proposed use of the domain names. A license is not appropriate in such situations. Request logo and name usage.
How does ABI contact unauthorized users?
Once ABI becomes aware of an unauthorized use, where possible, our Communications Department contacts them first in the spirit of good will via a personal phone call or email. An entity may not be aware that they are using a registered trademark. After the Communications Department reaches out, the legal team will contact the entity as necessary.
Film & Photography on the BeltLine
How much does it cost to film on the Atlanta BeltLine?
The daily permit fee is $4,000 to film or photograph on property owned or controlled by Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. The full schedule of fees can be found in our Film and Photography Policy.
Please note: daily License / Permit fees apply for any filming or photography that takes place between 12 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. of any single day. There are no half-days or minimums. Any overnight shoot that extends beyond a single 24-hour day will incur the fees for those days
Do I need to apply? Where do I find an application?
You are required to apply for a permit to film on property owned or controlled by Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) if any of the following criteria applies:
- 2+ cameras will be used
- Stationary lighting will be used
- Boom mics will be used
- Filming for commercial purposes
You do not need to apply for a permit to film if you are a member of the media and you are taking photographs or filming in the course of your duties as a member of the media. However, you must notify the Communications and Media Relations office at (404) 477-3660.
For further clarification on whether or not your shoot requires a permit, contact:
Jasmine Salazar
Asset Management Manager
(404) 477-3578
Download our Film and Photography Policy for more details.
I’m planning an engagement / wedding photo shoot. Do I need permission?
If your photo shoot is for personal use, you do not need permission. If it is for commercial use, you need permission.
I am having a permitted event on the Atlanta BeltLine. Do I need permission to film or photograph my event?
If you already have permission for your event (i.e. festival, wedding, concert, etc.), then you do not need an additional permit to film and photograph your event.
I use the Atlanta BeltLine frequently. How do you anticipate filming activities impacting trail and park users?
Our Atlanta BeltLine users come first. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure safety and access for users the best we can.
Does your office have stock footage of the Atlanta BeltLine parks and trails? Can I request to use photographs / b-roll that are owned by the Atlanta BeltLine?
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) has a library of photographs and video footage that are available depending on the nature of the request. Visit our Photo/Video Request webpage for full details.
Walking Tour
What is the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum?
The Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum will evolve into a twenty-two mile long horticultural collection. This one-of-a-kind linear expanse provides neighborhood connectivity along the Atlanta BeltLine, while showcasing unique natural characteristics within each community. The Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum is a free and open-to-all green museum.
Visit Trees Atlanta calendar of events for a walking tour schedule.
What is a Walking Tour?
Envisioned as a one-of-a-kind twenty-two mile linear expanse, the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum forms a unique tapestry whose natural fabric reveals a plant-based narrative of our city’s rich history. This Trees Atlanta docent-led walking tour tells the BeltLine story with an added focus on native trees, grasses, wildflowers and greenspaces along the corridor.
What is Trees Atlanta?
Trees Atlanta is a vital partner in the Atlanta BeltLine project. Established in 1985, Trees Atlanta is one of the city’s most widely respected volunteer organizations, and it seeks to protect and improve Atlanta’s urban forest by planting, conserving, and educating. With more than 96,000 trees planted (and counting!), Trees Atlanta is a phenomenal resource for good tree stewardship, smart growth, and overall conservation.
Bike Tours
What level of cycling proficiency is needed to participate in this tour?
Participants should be at least 13 years of age, have basic biking skills, knowledge, and etiquette along with have a fitness level that would allow them to complete the tour as described (11-mile trip with several stops over relatively flat terrain (there are a few small hills).
What should I bring/wear?
Riders should bring a multi-gear bicycle in good working condition, wear comfortable clothing and shoes, wear a helmet, and bring along a water bottle and any snacks you’d like during the tour.
As a reminder, helmets are required by law for participants 16 years of age or under, and we strongly encourage all participants to wear a helmet.
What if I can’t afford the $10 donation fee?
We want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to experience and explore the Atlanta BeltLine. If you want to participate but interested in scholarship assistance, please reach out to us at
I don’t have a bike. Can I rent one?
Bike and helmet rentals are available from our bike rental partner, Clutch Bike Shop. They will deliver your rental bike and helmet to starting location before the tour and collect them when the tour is over.
Contact them directly at 404-594-4205 for more information or to arrange for a rental. Tell them you're signing up for an Atlanta BeltLine bike tour. The cost is $35 per person.
All the reservations are full. Is there a waiting list?
Yes, the registration system we use will allow you to put your name on a waiting list if there is no room left when you try to register.
Where does the tour meet? Is there parking?
Westside BeltLine Tour: Meet in the parking lot of the Lee + White, 1020 White St. in West End near the West End wall mural at the north end of the parking lot. Ample free parking is available.
Northwest BeltLine Trail & Park Tour: We meet at the Westside BeltLine Connector parking lot located at 11 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd. NW. If the lot is full, there is street parking on adjacent Bedford St.
Is this a rain-or-shine ride?
If inclement weather (rain and/or thunder and lightning) is forecast for your time, you will receive notice of tour cancellation from your tour guide no later than 7:30 a.m. on the morning of the tour. In most cases, we will make that call the evening before the tour and send the cancellation notice out at that time.
Bus Tour
Why is there a charge for tours?
As awareness of the Atlanta BeltLine reaches a critical mass, the demand for funding for programs that address additional needs around the Atlanta BeltLine grows. To support the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership’s impact in other key areas, we are offering tours of the Atlanta Beltline for $25 per person.
All the reservations are full. Is there a wait list?
Unfortunately, we are not able to maintain a wait list for our bus tours, and we do realize our tours fill up fast. We do occasionally receive cancellations, and we release these seats as soon as they are available. You can check for available seats on the tour registration web site.
Do you accept walk-ups on the morning of the tour?
You are welcome to arrive early on the morning of a tour and try to walk on. If people who made a reservation do not arrive by 9:25 a.m., we will give these seats away on a first-come, first-served basis.
I use a wheelchair/walker. Can I take the bus tour?
We are able to accommodate one wheelchair on our bus tour. Please note you must inform us ahead of time so that the proper accommodations can be made. To reserve ADA accessible seat email us at or call us at 404-446-4404. If you have reserved an ADA accessible seat please arrive at 9:00am to allow sufficient time to board the bus.
What parts of the Atlanta BeltLine are open now?
Several parks and trails are now open to the public. Visit the parks and trails pages to see all there is to explore!
When will the Southside Trail be completed?
- In September 2021, construction was completed on the first paved segment of the Southside Trail, a 0.8-mile portion of the overall four-mile Southside Trail corridor. Segment 1 extends from the Westside Trail to Pittsburgh Yards on University Avenue.
- The Atlanta BeltLine acquired the 4.5-mile Southside Trail corridor from CSX in March of 2018. Linking the existing Eastside and Westside Trails and extending from University Avenue to Glenwood Avenue, the acquisition represented the largest single land transaction remaining to close the Atlanta BeltLine loop. With the planning and design phases underway, segments 2,3,4 and 5 are currently open in an unpaved state. These segments will be completed in phases, with construction slated for 2022 and 2023.
Find out more about Construction Progress.
PLEASE NOTE: Open unpaved trails have no additional lighting, no pavement, and limited points of access. Visitors can enjoy these pleasant retreats at their own risk and are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear or use a bicycle that can handle rough terrain. Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. is not liable for any injury or damage as a result of using these unfinished trails.
I want to volunteer. How can I get involved?
The Atlanta BeltLine needs your participation and support! There are many ways to help out, spread the word, and make a difference. Whether you volunteer as an individual or corporate / group, there are a lot of opportunities to give your time to the Atlanta BeltLine.
How can my groups Adopt the BeltLine?
A partnership between Park Pride, Trees Atlanta, the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, and Atlanta BeltLine Inc., the Adopt-the-Atlanta BeltLine program offers an opportunity for community groups to play a direct role in helping improve and maintain the Atlanta BeltLine. Sign up your group.
Community Engagement
How do I find out what is happening with the Atlanta BeltLine?
The role of the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) community engagement team is to ensure that the community remains informed and actively engaged in the planning, design and implementation of the Atlanta BeltLine. This is done through community outreach, public meetings, surveys, post meeting follow-ups, public participation on Advisory Boards and a community representative on the Atlanta BeltLine Board of Directors. Attend our community meetings to get informed.
How can I provide input about the BeltLine in my neighborhood?
The role of the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) community engagement team is to ensure that the community remains informed and actively engaged in the planning, design and implementation of the Atlanta BeltLine. To provide input, please attend our community meetings. View calendar for meeting dates.
I am interested in engaging others about the BeltLine. How can I get involved?
Passionate about the Atlanta BeltLine? If you’re interested in the BeltLine’s history, vision and goals, BeltLine U is the place for you. The 4-month long civic university is a pilot program of Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. that will explore the history, vision, programmatic elements and implementation strategy of the BeltLine.
What has happened with transit since the November 2016 vote for the half-penny local sales tax to bring transit to the BeltLine?
The More MARTA Atlanta program, formed from the half-cent sales tax approved in 2016, is a collaborative partnership between MARTA and the City of Atlanta, with input from the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. The MARTA Board of Directors approved the final list of More MARTA Atlanta projects and the implementation schedule for completing the projects at their June 2019 meeting.
The Atlanta Streetcar extension to Ponce de Leon Avenue on the BeltLine is the nearest-term BeltLine project on the approved phasing plan along with advancing the extension of the Streetcar to the west.
How is the BeltLine going to help with transit in Atlanta?
Transit has always been a core component of the Atlanta BeltLine, and will play a major role in realizing the vision of linking neighborhoods, connecting people and taking them where they want to go. Learn more about our goals and access transit reports.
Support the BeltLine
I love the Atlanta BeltLine! How can I support the project?
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Atlanta BeltLine! The impact of the Atlanta BeltLine is dramatic, interconnected and far-reaching. Your support is an investment in a sustainable, connected, walkable future for Atlanta. The Atlanta BeltLine Partnership offers several Supporter Levels with various benefits offered at each giving level.
Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that secures support and funding for the Atlanta BeltLine project. Donations are tax-deductible.
My company is looking to support Atlanta BeltLine, how can we help?
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Atlanta BeltLine. There are many ways for businesses to get involved, and each provides the opportunity to promote your company and show your support for the Atlanta BeltLine.
I am interested in engaging others about the BeltLine. How can I get involved?
Passionate about the Atlanta BeltLine? If you’re interested in the BeltLine’s history, vision and goals, BeltLine U is the place for you. The 4-month long civic university is a pilot program of Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. that will explore the history, vision, programmatic elements and implementation strategy of the BeltLine.
Health & Wellness
What fitness activities are available on the BeltLine?
We offer a range of FREE programs for every level of fitness!
Aren’t there races on the BeltLine?
Yes! Throughout the year, the Atlanta BeltLine Race Series provides opportunities to participate in fun races on various BeltLine trail segments. Runners, walkers, strollers and dogs are all welcome, and some of our races are qualifiers for the Peachtree Road Race! Check out the calendar for upcoming race events.
Atlanta BeltLine Project
What is the Atlanta BeltLine?
The Atlanta BeltLine is the most comprehensive transportation and economic development effort ever undertaken in the City of Atlanta and among the largest, most wide-ranging urban redevelopment programs currently underway in the United States. It is a sustainable redevelopment project that will ultimately connect 45 intown neighborhoods via a 22-mile loop of multi-use trails, modern streetcar, and parks – all based on railroad corridors that formerly encircled Atlanta. When completed, it will provide first and last mile connectivity for regional transportation initiatives and put Atlanta on a path to 21st century economic growth and sustainability.
When will the Southside Trail be completed?
- In September 2021, construction was completed on the first paved segment of the Southside Trail, a 0.8-mile portion of the overall four-mile Southside Trail corridor. Segment 1 extends from the Westside Trail to Pittsburgh Yards on University Avenue.
- The Atlanta BeltLine acquired the 4.5-mile Southside Trail corridor from CSX in March of 2018. Linking the existing Eastside and Westside Trails and extending from University Avenue to Glenwood Avenue, the acquisition represented the largest single land transaction remaining to close the Atlanta BeltLine loop. With the planning and design phases underway, segments 2,3,4 and 5 are currently open in an unpaved state. These segments will be completed in phases, with construction slated for 2022 and 2023.
Find out more about Construction Progress.
PLEASE NOTE: Open unpaved trails have no additional lighting, no pavement, and limited points of access. Visitors can enjoy these pleasant retreats at their own risk and are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear or use a bicycle that can handle rough terrain. Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. is not liable for any injury or damage as a result of using these unfinished trails.
Affordable Housing
What does the Atlanta BeltLine do to provide affordable housing?
In 2005, as part of the Atlanta BeltLine's founding legislation, Atlanta City Council set a goal of creating/ preserving 5,600 affordable units within the BeltLine TAD by the end of 2030. This goal was based upon 20% of anticipated multi-family growth, and BeltLine project revenues. This is accomplished through multiple strategies with partners:
- Providing public incentives to affordable housing developments located within the BeltLine TAD through the BeltLine Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
- Working with the City on Inclusionary Zoning (IZ). IZ is legislation that requires any multi-family rental developments above 10 units include 10% affordable units (at 60% AMI) or 15% affordable units (at 80% AMI). As more of the Atlanta BeltLine is built, more housing supply will be built to meet demand. Mandatory IZ will ensure these new developments include affordable units.
- Focusing on preserving affordable housing through anti-displacement programming, establishing the Legacy Resident Retention Program (LRRP). This program prevents the displacement of legacy residents in BeltLine neighborhoods by providing financial assistance to cover property tax increases for qualifying homeowners financially burdened by significant property tax increases.
- Offering Home Empowerment Workshops to help people with affordable tools and tactics to stay in their homes.
- Acquiring parcels of land in order to control development in support of housing and commercial affordability.
- Updating master plans and working with the City to include affordability in zoning policies.
How does the Atlanta BeltLine stay on track towards its goal?
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) has a goal of 300 affordable units annually. By working with our housing partners, ABI is on track to meet its goal. The strategies to meet this goal are outlined in the question above.
The Atlanta BeltLine project and programs were always anticipated to be executed in concert with many public, private, and not-for-profit partners. We work with powerful stakeholders and partners across the city – such as Invest Atlanta, Atlanta Housing Authority, Georgia Department of Community Affairs, City’s Department of Planning, and the development community. ABI itself is not a housing agency.
How does ABI define affordability?
ABI’s goal is to create and preserve:
- Rental housing for families earning up to 80% of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) area median income (AMI)*
- Home ownership for families earning up to 120% of the area median income
- A balanced mix of rental and owner-occupied housing units, distributed around the Atlanta BeltLine
- Implementing strategic measures to ensure the retention of affordable housing options and legacy residents, such as through Home Empowerment Workshops and the Legacy Resident Retention Program.
ABI must also work closely with State and City agencies and Atlanta Housing to ensure a mix of affordable housing to residents earning up to 60% of the median income.
* Notes on AMI:
- In 2020, the median income for a family of 4 is $96,400 per year.
- That means that families earning 60% of median income earn $57,840 per year.
- A family working two full-time jobs at minimum wage ($7.25 / hour) earns $30,160 per year.
How can I live on the Atlanta BeltLine?
Please visit our resources and affordable rental listings page here.
How can I stay in my home on the Atlanta BeltLine?
The Atlanta BeltLine provides a number of options through resident resources listed here. The Legacy Resident Retention Program (LRRP) provides financial assistance to cover property tax increases for qualifying homeowners financially burdened by significant property tax increases. Home Empowerment Workshops help people with affordable tools and tactics to stay in their homes.
What parts of the Atlanta BeltLine are open now?
Several parks and trails are now open to the public. Visit the parks and trails pages to see all there is to explore!
How do I find out what amenities are available in the parks?
Every park along the Atlanta BeltLine corridor is unique and offers a different user experience. Some parks may simply provide a small greenspace that offers a respite from the hustle bustle of the City, while others may include splash pads, recreational fields, shade structures, gardens, playgrounds and other special features.
Visit our parks page to learn more about the individual parks and their amenities.