Looking to Build on the Atlanta BeltLine?

The Atlanta BeltLine features thousands of acres of underutilized or idled industrial property along the corridor. This represents a tremendous opportunity for neighborhood revitalization through Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), and offers the perfect avenue for developers to have a major role in reshaping Atlanta’s future growth in a meaningful way.

Atlanta BeltLine Affordable Housing -Trust Fund (BAHTF)

The Atlanta BeltLine Affordable Housing Trust Fund is a tool available to developers. The Trust Fund offers gap financing to residential projects, including affordable housing as a part of the development. Gap financing can be structured as a grant or debt.

These funds, created by BAHAB have committed funding for:

  • Over 100 affordable owner occupied units
  • Over 1,800+ affordable rental units
  • Lofts at Reynoldstown Crossing
  • The Atlanta Land Trust Collaborative (ALTC) – formed in 2011 to foster affordable, transit-oriented development

To view applications, guidelines, and contact information please visit Invest Atlanta’s Multifamily Developer Grants here, and download the “Residential Development Incentives Application.”

Inclusionary Zoning

Inclusionary Zoning ordinances, created to improve housing opportunities for working individuals and families, apply to new multifamily rental developments and conversions with 10+ units in the BeltLine and Westside Overlay Districts.

Tax Allocation District / BeltLine Planning Area

The Atlanta BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD) is unique in that it is primarily focused on indirect incentives through the creation of public assets (parks, trails, transit, streetscapes, etc.) in addition to a small component of direct development incentives. Unlike most TADs, the Atlanta BeltLine TAD funding goes primarily to fund public infrastructure, such as parks and transit.

Get More Information

Chelsea Arkin
Senior Housing Policy and Development Manager
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.