Extraordinary Partnerships Are Vital to Our Success

A successful combination of governmental, non-profit, private and philanthropic partners makes our work possible. In addition to Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) and The Atlanta BeltLine Partnership (ABP), these are organizations work tirelessly to make the Atlanta BeltLine a reality.

Charter for Compassion

Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. is a Charter Partner of Charter for Compassion (CFC). CFC envisions a world in which compassion and compassionate action will become a transformative energy, motivating individuals and communities to care for each other, to relieve suffering wherever it is found, and to connect to other communities across the globe to ensure well-being for all beings on the planet.

Atlanta Regional Commission

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization and has been a key planning partner for the Atlanta BeltLine. The ARC has also programmed more than $20 million in federal funds for the Atlanta BeltLine through the Transportation Improvement Program and Livable Communities Initiative.

City of Atlanta

The City of Atlanta is the ultimate owner of all components of the Atlanta BeltLine. There is a tremendous amount of daily coordination with the Mayor’s office, City Departments and the City Council to deliver all aspects of the project.

Georgia Department of Transportation

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has been an active partner with the project on transportation and Right-of-Way related matters, including partnering with ABI to make 3.5 miles of the former rail corridor available for the Atlanta BeltLine.

Invest Atlanta

Invest Atlanta is the City of Atlanta’s economic development arm and the Redevelopment Agent for the Atlanta BeltLine TAD. Invest Atlanta formed ABI in 2006 to be the Implementation Agent for the Atlanta BeltLine, managing all TAD resources and other funding sources. The Atlanta BeltLine TAD is the only one of the City’s 10 TADs with its own implementing entity due to the scale and nature of the project.

Land Water Conservation Fund

The Land and Water Conservation Fund was established by Congress in 1964 to fulfill a bipartisan commitment to safeguard our natural areas, water resources and cultural heritage, and to provide recreation opportunities to all Americans.


The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) has worked with the Atlanta BeltLine from its earliest days of implementation playing a key role as a partner on the critical transit studies and planning activities. MARTA will continue to play a role as a partner as transit is developed on the Atlanta BeltLine and elsewhere in the City of Atlanta.

National Endowment for the Arts

The Atlanta BeltLine arts programs are supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, including grants for the Reynoldstown Stage and the Art and Culture Master Plan.

Park Pride

Working with the community to develop and improve parks is what Park Pride does, and in this role they have helped shape some of the greenspaces around the Atlanta BeltLine. They also work with ABI and ABLP administering the Adopt-the-Atlanta-BeltLine program.

PATH Foundation

As a key partner from the earliest days of the project, the PATH Foundation works with Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and Atlanta BeltLine Partnership to develop the Atlanta BeltLine’s 33-mile trail network, including securing private funding.

The Conservation Fund

The Conservation Fund (the Fund) partners with ABI on loans to secure real estate and other assets around the corridor. Loans from the Fund have contributed to preservation of the corridor, creation of affordable housing, and brownfield remediation.

TAD Partners

In addition to the City of Atlanta, Fulton County and the Atlanta Public Schools are the other taxing jurisdictions that participate in the Atlanta BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD).

Trees Atlanta

As part of making the Atlanta BeltLine a truly green project, Trees Atlanta works with ABI to create the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum, providing funding and expertise to both plant thousands of new trees and remove invasive species to restore the natural landscape.

Trust for Public Land

As an early champion of the project, TPL was heavily instrumental in making the Atlanta BeltLine a reality by commissioning Alex Garvin’s Emerald Necklace study and acquiring several key parcels of land for a number of new Atlanta BeltLine parks.

The Atlanta BeltLine Capital Campaign

More than 700 donors large and small have contributed to the Atlanta BeltLine Capital Campaign, including some of the most civic-minded and respected foundations and corporations in Atlanta. Become one of the tremendous supporters of the Atlanta BeltLine.

U.S. Department of Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) works with the Atlanta BeltLine through the Federal Transit Administration on transit planning and implementation, and the Federal Highway Administration on trail planning and implementation.

U.S. Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration has assisted ABI with a grant for an economic feasibility study of Murphy Crossing on the Westside Trail in southwest Atlanta. The EDA is a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency works with the Atlanta BeltLine to help remediate the roughly 1,100 acres of brownfields within the Atlanta BeltLine TAD.